Events Calendar

Verein - Visitors' Night
Monday 01 November 2021, 19:00 - 21:00
Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Are you interested in learning about Freemasonry? Do you have questions about what Freemasonry is? Have you considered becoming a Mason but didn't know how to go about it?


Please join us this evening for an evening of open discussion about Freemasonry. Lodge members will be here to talk about what Freemasonry means to them, why they became a Freemason, and even some of their experiences as Freemasons. Members will be here to answer your questions. If you have ever wondered about Freemasonry, please join us.


Refreshments will be available.

Location Friedrichstraße 35 65185 Wiesbaden