Events Calendar

Temple Work, 1st Degree
Monday 06 September 2021, 19:00 - 21:00
Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please join us as we finally are able to meet in person once again in Lodge! This will be a Tyled Lodge, so only Verified Masons in good standing will be invited to attend. Travelling Masons are most welcome to join us as well.


Tonight we will be conducting our annual Installation of Officers.


Dress is Formal Masonic Dress. That means Dark Suit with White Tie, Apron and Lodge Bijou, if applicable. Visiting Masons from outside of Germany may wear a suit with tie if you do not have the dark suit and white tie. We have a few extra plain aprons if you do not have yours with you.


 Refreshments will be available following the meeting.

Location Friedrichstraße 35 65185 Wiesbaden